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ShmooCon 2011

January 27th, 2011

It’s time for ShmooCon 2011, YEAH!!! This is my first time attending and I am very excited. I would like to release a few maintenance releases of my Nessus Vulnerability XML Parser v8 and Cisco ACL Parser v0.05.

Nessus Vulnerability XML Parser v8 – There was a bug in the creation of the TEXT File report generation. The issue was cause by a variable I called in a foreach loop, if the variable was not an array, but a hash the script would fail. No other changes were made.

The Cisco ACL Parser v0.05 – In the ASA a type of ACL used for the SSL Any-Connect Portal is called a WEBACL. There was a problem in the parsing of these ACL types. Also I changed the name of the output file to be the device hostname-output.csv “fw01-output.csv” instead of “hostname fw01-output.csv”.

I hope everyone enjoys the scripts and I hope to see you at ShmooCon.

  1. rahul
    May 13th, 2011 at 03:30 | #1

    mate the cisco ACL parses is useless. learn how to program properly with comments and meaningful object names too. would it kill u to use oo?

  2. May 13th, 2011 at 19:45 | #2

    So, I thought about if I should allow this post or not, and I decided to allow the post. More because any feedback is good feedback, and some of the points jamie.remixxes are true.

    1. the cisco ACL parses is useless – NOT TRUE – I use this all the time, it has saved me countless hours worth of work. Other people have also told me how this tool has help them also. So I don’t agree the tool is useless. Could it be better, absolutely. However, I wrote the tool for one person, ME. But I figured someone else might find the tool useful.

    2. learn how to program properly – TRUE – I am not an application developer. So I don’t write code that could used programmatically because i don’t know how. I write code that basically starts at the beginning and steps through a series of functions.

    3. use proper comments – TRUE – I will give you that, I don’t comment a lot, but I am the only one who develops on the code, so I comment where I need too. Could I do a better job sure, I will commit to make a better effort in future releases.

    4. Use meaningful object names – NOT TURE – The object names mean something to me. If you think I should change them to something else, I would suggest approaching things in a more constructive fashion and give some specific ideas or ask if you can contribute to the code and help do a better job.

    5. Would it kill u to use oo? – NO – It would not kill me, using OO (object Orientated) Code will not kill anybody. But to speak to your previous point, I am not a developer, so I don’t know how and frankly my code works for me.

    6. The last point I would like to make, how much did you pay for this script…ahhh, that is right, NOTHING, if you don’t like don’t using it.

    Now that said I am working on a complete revamp, because well I did a really bad job at parsing a lot of the data. The way I was doing things, really was bad. But I learned (note I learned) a better method to parse data and well I hope to have this new version released in a month or so. It will not be setup for OO. I am not putting this in CPAN and it is not a module. I might do that some day, but not anytime soon. But thanks for the feedback and feel free to leave feedback anytime.

  3. Ryan
    May 19th, 2011 at 15:54 | #3

    I’m really looking forward to your revamp. The parser didn’t work for my config, it errors out on only the 10th line of my ACL, so instead of wasting your time troubleshooting I’ll just wait for the next rev. I’m running ASA v8, will this be supported?

  4. June 4th, 2011 at 15:41 | #4

    I am just about finished, I am adding parsing form Cisco IOS, ASA, PIX, FORTINET, NETSCREEN, and WATCHGARD.

  5. Heiko
    December 8th, 2014 at 15:37 | #5

    Hallo Cody,

    On your sides, I found:
    12.2011 parse_acl_v0.01.a4.pl
    01.2011 The Cisco ACL Parser v0.05 – acl2csv.0.05.pl_.zip

    Where can I find the latest version?
    Where can I find changes and/or genealogies?

    regards Heiko

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